Creative Arc - Exeter Animation Academy
This year, Yellow Mouse Studios received funding from Creative Arc to support a training programme that helps up to 30 young people to learn animation in a nurturing and creative environment, from a team of professional animators.
The aim is to work with organisations in and around Exeter to identify Young People who are currently experiencing challenges, providing the opportunity to learn digital animation skills from experienced animators either as part of a half-term holiday group or a four-week training course, The age ranges of the groups would be 14-17yrs and 18-25yrs.
The aim is to not just improve their creative skills, but also wellbeing while introducing educational pathways and future creative opportunities. The programme is a chance for young people to learn a creative discipline to help with maintaining wellness or as a respite from their current circumstances.
Saturday 01 March - 22 March @ 14:00 - Introduction to Animating in Adobe
Monday 10 March - 31 March @ 16:00 - Introduction to Animating in Adobe
Monday 07 April - 28 April @ 17:00 - Introduction to Animating in Adobe (The 3rd session may be subject to change as Easter Monday)
Thursday 03 April - 24 April @ 17:00 - Introduction to Animating in Adobe
Half Term 17 February - 21 February (excluding Wednesday) @ 10:00- 14:00 - Moho Half Term Animation workshop
This project is funded with the support of the Creative Arc Programme, an initiative funded by the University of Exeter, Exeter City Council and the UK Government through the Shared Prosperity Fund.
If you are an organisation, school, college or parent in the Exeter area interested in discussing the programme, please get in touch